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The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism, by Joel Solomon
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"Nothing less than the antidote for modern finance".—Don Shaffer, partner, Jubilee, former CEO, RSF Social Finance"Amplifies the urgent need for capitalism to redefine its purpose."—Kat Taylor, co-founder and co-CEO, Beneficial State Bank"A profoundly sensible 21st century roadmap."—Gary Hirshberg, chairman and former president and CEO, Stonyfield Farm"It's aspirational, it's unsettling, it's demanding — but revolutions are like that."—Danielle LaPorte, author, The Desire Map and White Hot Truth"Answering the most salient and unanswered question in our quest to transform as a civilization."—Alfa Demmellash, CEO and co-founder, Rising Tide Capital"Decades of wisdom are distilled in the book. . . prepare to be transformed."—Ziya Tong, host, Daily Planet, Discovery Channel"A fresh vision, insightful, wise and profoundly hopeful."—Wade Davis, UBC leadership chair in "Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk" A powerful message!—Annie Leonard, executive director, Greenpeace USA and founder, The Story of Stuff"Could literally cause billions of dollars to move toward saving the planet for future generations."—Kevin Jones, founder, SOCAP"This book is long overdue. I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who cares to build a better future."—Paul Born, author, Deepening Community"Crisp and insightful . . .this vision could remake our world."—Randy Hayes, executive director, Foundation Earth and founder, Rainforest Action Network"This book is a non-negotiable for these times!"—Nikki Silvestri, co-founder and CEO, Silvestri Strategies, and co-founder, Live Real"Joel Solomon is the Pied Piper of the Clean Money Revolution."—Deb Nelson, vice-president, client and community engagement, RSF Social Finance, and former executive director, Social Venture Network". . .A rare contributor to the re-conception of business as a blending of the best of enterprise with true social commitment."—Drummond Pike, founder, Tides Foundation"Solomon is a rare capital-savvy elder who inspires Millennials to have hope and take action now, for a fair and secure long term future."—David Karr, co-founder and chief brand cebador, Guayaki"This book transcends ideology and platitudes and merges vision with clear case studies to give us a pathway to a better world."—Tzeporah Berman, environmental activist, author, adjunct professor, York University"Joel and The Clean Money Revolution show us how money, rather than being the "root of all evil," can become the driver for a more just and sustainable world."—Robert Gass, EdD, co-founder, Rockwood Leadership Institute and the Social Transformation Project"The Clean Money Revolution is the culmination of decades of work. . . . This book and all it represents are truly seminal and the hope for our collective future."—Alissa Sears, VP growth and Strategy, co-founder, adVenturesAcademy"Joel's work is a clarion call to a deeper form of capitalism, one that truly maximizes the productivity of our money and time on this planet."—Alex Lau, vice president, Golden Properties Ltd.". . .From politics to supporting ChangeMakers, to facilitating deep interpersonal work, thank you Joel Solomon for your modelling."—Jessica Norwood, executive director, ChangeMakers Network"Forces us to consider what our money is doing, right now, to our common world; and invites all of us but particularly those with inherited wealth to join a new movement of clean money and literally save our planet."—Deepa Narayan, author, Voices for the Poor series andMoving Out of Poverty series;former senior advisor in the Vice President's Office of the Poverty Reduction Group of the World Bank"Five stars!!"—Jed Emerson, Independent Strategic Advisor to Impact Investors"Good helpful stuff to do with your filthy lucre, if any."—Margaret Atwood, author, Handmaid's Tale"Joel sees the future more clearly than Ray Kurzweil. He has already made the world a better place than he found it. I think his Indian name just may be "sees many trillions"."—Denise Williams, executive director,First Nations Technology Council"I've had the pleasure of knowing Joel for a decade. In that time, he has come to occupy a nearly mythical status in my mind: compassionate, challenging, whip-smart, and so, so insightful."—Matthew Weatherley-White, co-founder and managing director,The Caprock Group, and selection board member, Impact Assets 50"Joel Solomon so eloquently lights the path society needs to take in order to ensure future generations can flourish on a sustainable planet earth."—Reverend Yearwood, President of the Hip Hop Caucus"Joel Solomon is one of the smartest, most caring people I know. And this book represents the best of both. Read it now!"—Carol Sanford, author and executive producer of The Regenerative Business Summit"Joel has done so much to create and shape the landscape of impact investing. He's a beloved local financial superhero, and this book is a brilliant roadmap to purposeful investing."—Catherine Ludgate, Manager of Community Investment, Vancity"Joel's book offers the history and sets the stage well, for everyone who wants to align their investments with their values — no need to sacrifice results."—Janet M. Morgan, managing director, Cornerstone Capital Group"I'm a superfan of Joel Solomon. You should be after reading his book!"—Joshua Fouts, executive director, Bioneers"The world needs this wisdom now more than ever."—Karen Mahon, Canadian director,"Nodding my head, appreciating, note-making, and enjoying the @ joelsolomon book, The Clean Money Revolution.#bionomy #ethical #neweconomy"—Raffi Cavoukian, singer, founder of Centre for Child Honoring"This book dramatically changed how I look at my investments, and the financial industry in general. I have a long list of people who will be receiving this book from me as a gift."—Fiona Douglas-Crampton, president and CEO of Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education"There are so many who need to read this text, including my now former investment advisor. If he had taken up my challenge to read this book, he would likely still be working for me!"—Michael Keefer, lead visionary and president, Keefer Ecological Services Ltd."Joel's thought leadership in the clean money space will leave a legacy for generations to come."—Rosy Atwal, co-founder, Maple Organics, The Organic Pharmaceutical Company"Clean Money is a real treasure, a beacon of wisdom."—Sana Kapadia, chief impact officer, Spring Activator"Joel's clever weaving of history throughout made this book hard to put down!"—Emily Applegate, vice president of Impact Investments, Change Finance"Joel speaks to the wisdom of our ancestors and galvanizes us all to act. He inspires us to be a great ancestor."—Dharini Thiruchittampalam, adjunct professor, Sauder School of Business, UBC"A great read, and very important."—Hunter Lovins, co-author, A Finer Future and Natural Capitalism"Crisp and insightful, for the long-term health of the whole planet."—Randy Hayes, director, Foundation Earth"The simple thought — "do you know what your money is doing?" — really stuck with me."—Roger Dickhout, president and CEO, Pineridge Group"Humble and powerful. A gem."—Michèle Soregaroli, founder, CEO and coach, Transformation Catalyst Corporation"This is your call to action."—Shivani Singh, founding and managing partner, PathFinder"Joel Solomon has inspired thousands of others along the path of a more ethical and fulfilling life. We are fortunate to have him among us as a soulful friend and authentic guide."—Yosef Wosk, rabbi, philanthropist, author, and director of interdisciplinary programs of continuing studies, Simon Fraser University"Wasn't at all what I expected. Authenticity and depth."—Holly Vipond, financial security advisor, Freedom 55 Financial "A rockstar in the "make good with money" space."—Fiona Rayher, filmmaker, Fractured Land, and co-founder and CEO, Hoovie"Encourages all investors to question how their money is affecting people and the planet."—Julien Gafarou, investment and portfolio analysis consultant, Toniic
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Book Description
Discover your role in the $50-trillion "clean money" revolution that is bringing true prosperity to the world
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: New Society Publishers; New edition edition (September 4, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 086571892X
ISBN-13: 978-0865718920
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.9 out of 5 stars
54 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#535,377 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
What a great story! What a great resource!Pros: Joel Solomon's personal story is interesting, and it is told engagingly. His insights about the ways we use (or ignore) our money are obviously the result of deep knowledge about financial systems AND a lifetime of careful investigation about both the underpinnings of those systems as well as the ways those systems influence (for good or for ill) us and our world. Reading this book made me realize that I personally have a responsibility to become more involved in and knowledgeable about the way my money is managed; I just can't turn it over to the brokers ever again. I hope Joel's concerns and wisdom will get into the minds and hearts of younger, capable, talented, and driven people -- especially in Canada and the States!Cons: Sometimes the lists of names and the quick mention of organizations and businesses left me wanting more -- yes, yes: I need to do my own research! But because so many of those names were unfamiliar to me, I felt slightly adrift -- not knowing where, even, to begin looking for that information.I have read this book and already find myself going back to it; I am confident that it will continue to spur me on in this lifelong process of becoming more and more responsible in the ways I manage my money; thank you, Joel!
Some people wish they were rich. Some people wish for long life. Joel Solomon began with one and not the other: he inherited both wealth and a fatal kidney condition that could end his life at any time. When I met Joel in 2010, he told me that nothing focuses the mind on one's legacy like a terminal illness. In this seminal book, Joel and writer/entrepreneur Tyee Bridge take us through Joel's journey from personal tragedy to a vision quest that led to nature, spirituality, business, and finally to a life as a "billionaire of love" who invests his wealth in others: promising entrepreneurs working to help our planet. His stellar credentials as a venture capitalist are rooted in his deep conviction that ethical investing can be profitable in terms of financial, social, and environmental dividends.Those who know Joel can hardly be surprised that a friend generously offered him a kidney a decade ago and ended his battle with early death. That's the kind of goodness this man inspires in others.This book is his story. It is my favorite book of the decade. Reading it is the best investment I've made since I flew out to meet Joel at nearly seven years ago. Highly recommended!
The Clean Money Revolution is proof that the Serenity Prayer no longer applies to investing. As Joel writes, there are many ways to "use money as a sacred substance, as if the future matters." Sure, index funds are sound investments from a financial perspective, but they don't feel good.One of Joel's missions is to design "innovations that make our financial system more direct, transparent, and personal – unlike typical Wall Street innovations, which generally make things more complex, opaque, and anonymous."In The Clean Money Revolution, you'll find evidence-based answers to a host of practical questions. Here are two that I particularly enjoyed mulling over with Joel: (1) "How can we unwind the knot of pain that ambition and greed medicate for us?" (2) "How might we shift our investment dollars to encourage growth of socially conscious, regenerative businesses?"If finding answers to these questions interests you, I couldn't recommend The Clean Money Revolution more wholeheartedly.
Joel's book is a brilliant combination of excellent writing, diverse perspectives, facts and anecdotal evidence. He has done an excellent job of expressing the issues relating to dirty money and the many solutions presented by clean money. His writing is non-confrontational and compassionate. His humility of expression and genuine appreciation for the people that have influenced him is inspiring. The words come from a place of truth and egolessness. They are also intensely person which takes courage. Being in the financial services industry this book gives me hope that change will come and a new clean money rejuvenative economic model is a possibility. It encourages me to continue to build our business to help accelerate this shift in any way we can. I had no idea how much positive work is happening in the world around me until I read this book. I bow down to all those pioneers who have bravely taken on the task of bringing about the clean money revolution. Thanks to Joel and everyone in the book for all your hard work.
Joel Solomon illustrates how purposeful and personal our investments can be. Always wondered: can we keep our hands - and money - clean, as we deal with a dirty world? His stories show how we can use capital for driving change in our current system. It's as much culture as it is finance. I enjoyed the interviews with diverse co-conspirators of this growing vector of history.
The perfect book for anyone concerned about people and the planet, and looking for models and solutions to build on. Joel's leadership balances pragmatism and idealism -- grateful for this voice and this message, now more than ever!
Put your money where your mouth is... It's so obvious yet, in our complicated financial and distracted world, it takes a higher level of awareness and actions to move mountains...but, as Joel writes, it can be done. The adage, "follow the money" needs to be taken to heart so that we can redirect the money for better and good. It's beginning to happen! Joel's book gives me hope with clarity around "why" and what to do steps, philosophical and practical.
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