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, by Nigel Calder Nigel Calder

Free Download , by Nigel Calder Nigel Calder
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Product details
File Size: 195618 KB
Print Length: 320 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press; 3 edition (October 3, 2006)
Publication Date: October 3, 2006
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#177,880 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I've never read anything from Nigel Calder and have obviously missed this timely author on a subject most all of us sailors need more assistance. Hardbound by McGraw-Hill it is an enduring and sharp looking production. Replete with fine line drawings and sharp photographs, it is attractive to thumb through and simple to find data with a well stepped-out and rational Contents section and a helpful Index to balance the book's intent of helping the Sailor do his or her maintenance correctly. His attention to marshaling detail in an accessible manual simplifies the complexities and gives the reader confidence to attend to the things needed for sustaining our old diesel engines aboard.
Even as a veteran master marine mechanic, but unfortunately only in gasoline engines, I had the feeling that I could learn something from this book.....and I was correct!I remember that many many :) .....years ago, as a young student, while attending the Marine Mechanic's course at our local Technical Institute, the instructor gave us the following advice:If you know the basics in engine mechanics and you have a set of quality tools, I should be able to give you A SERVICE MANUAL, and any of you should be able to go out there and even repair a helicopter.Ladies and Gentlemen....THIS IS ONE MANUAL for diesel engines that you want to own!Now go out there and do not be afraid to fail....
This is a good intro to small diesels, especially outdated ones you find on old boats. The writing is readable and easy-to-follow. The pictures could be much better. A mechanic friend who uses it to teach seminars said it contains several pieces of inaccurate info in the troubleshooting tables. Overall, his other books (Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual) is a better deal since it contains most of the same material and then some.
The definitive layman's guide to marine diesels.The book explains how the engine work so that the details on how to diagnose and fix them makes sense. If you own, run or operate a sailboat with a diesel engine, this will be some the best money you ever spent and may save you hundreds of time the investment made on this book.
Buy this book, read it from cover to cover, then keep it onboard for reference. That way, when something goes wrong and you are far from any help or assistance, you will be able to handle the problem and get home. That has happened to me already and this book has paid for itself many times over. The investment is invaluable. I highly recommend this book and I would go so far as to say your marine diesel engine is incomplete without this book to go with it.
If you are a marine diesel owner, but not yet a marine diesel mechanic, this book is great to have on board. The farther you travel from shore, the more invaluable this book can be.
I'm at a bit of a loss on how to review this. It's a great reference, BUT if you already have Calder's Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: How to Maintain, Repair, and Improve Your Boat's Essential Systems (referred to my most cruisers just as "Calder"), this book does not add a lot that's not covered there. If you already own Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: How to Maintain, Repair, and Improve Your Boat's Essential Systems, I'd recommend getting a book by a different author on the diesel as there's a greater likelihood of one of them having just the piece of information you need. My suggestion of an alternative:Troubleshooting Marine DieselsOther reviews have covered this book in detail, plus there's a new edition out, so I won't go into further detail.
Just got this book and a week later, while stuck in a windless bay, my engine suddenly died. Of course this only happens when you are anchorless, motoring through islands and shoals with a nice hunk of shore that is covered in rocks, and half a dozen icons on the navigation chart of sunken boats. (Somehow the fates know when you are trying to sneak by unnoticed.)Luckily we happened to start drifting through a cargo channel that was blessedly void of any cargo ships, or anyone at all except a small pod of porpoise. We had a good thirty minutes to break open this book and trouble shoot the engine. This book gave us the guide lines we needed to quickly and successfully diagnose our problem and get the engine back to limping. Not only that but this book has guided us through the month of repairing all sorts of things, fixing the starter, along with recognizing a few things that previous owners have jerry-rigged. In a month this book has already paid for itself many times over and now our old crusty engine sounds better and runs better. This book is a must, without it, my first mate and I would have never been able to turn a potentially deadly trip into just a few minutes of stress.
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